
o visionary world, condition strange, where naught abiding is but only change

Graphics/design element:

I would love to be a graphic designer. To be able to draw and bring those drawings to life on a computer. But I'm not a drawer...more of an abstracter (?). So, that being said, I wish I could incorporate more of my designs on my site. I love how graphics pop on a blog, but when it's all said and done, I want them to be my graphics.

Since I'm also in typography, I have design/typeface/graffiti/chicken on the brain. I need a snack. So I would love to even have the background be something I've designed; I feel like that can be a very haphazard design...look interesting but knows it's going to be covered. I think backgrounds also have a lot of white (or negative) space and the designer gets to focus more on the border images.

I definately want my blog to be graphic rich, but I want beyond graphics. I also want Flash. Can we do Flash on a blog? That would be legit.

Title quote: James Russell Lowell


  1. I think adding flash would be useful to blogs, though I'm not sure if Blogspot supports it or not. I'm also interested in knowing more about flash, it seems to be used on most websites and would be nice to learn how to use it, at least the basics. Do you know any good books or sites that point out the basics?

  2. Personally, I'm not a huge fan of Flash because, for one thing, sometimes it takes forever to load. Other times, it screws up the functionality of the site in certain ways. That said, there are definitely pros and cons, and if used correctly, Flash can be great. Like YouTube. But when a site is completely in Flash, that's when you have a lot of trouble and incompatibilities (iPhone, for instance). While not a complete replacement for Flash, HTML5 code is going to bring a lot to the table when it's finalized. In any case, Lynda.com has tutorials on almost everything imaginable, when it comes to software, so you should check them out. I think you can get a free 24-hour trial, but you have to pay after that. However, if you go into Flash, there may be a few videos in the Help file, just like there are in InDesign.
